20 February 2009

the promise of hope by Jeremicia Seherie

Marita, Jeremicia, Greta

It is difficult to articulate how meaningful one friendship can be. I met a good sole who understood the concept of Ubuntu more crisply then what I could remember in years. Marita I met by mere default, but I now believe that the people that we met, we are suppose to meet. The internship program is important because it is an important part of shaping a young person's life. above all it teaches people to appreciate being American and the advantage and life privilege that it is to live in a first world country. Being a good person goes beyond the monetary value that life seems to suck one into.

To the students of last night, I wish you well. I hope that South Africa sinks into your hearts. I hope that all of you end up in public interest law or at minimum that your social awareness had been sharpened.

Marita, a mother, friend, kind sole, over feeder, safe keeper of hope and love bundle. I can but only hope and pray that your students appreciate you. I really do!
